This three month Feedback is Gold leadership development program empowers you to drive your own development and take your awareness, leadership, confidence, impact, career, brand & business relationships to the next level.

This program is delivered 1:1 within a coaching program or via a group program for leaders within your business.

This unique program puts you in the driver's seat.

Feedback is Gold provides a transformative, self-driven 360-degree feedback journey that empowers you to gather feedback from your managers, peers and team members, to unveil your perceived strengths and top development priorities from varying perspectives. This provides valuable insights into how you can accelerate your leadership growth.


Hi, I'm Rachael Pickworth from MAD Leaders (Make a Difference Leaders) and I'd like to introduce this program with a quick story...

Along my 20+ year journey as a career and leadership coach, I was working with a busy leader who wanted to take her leadership and career to the next level.

As with many of my clients, I challenged her to get uncomfortable and seek out feedback for growth.

I said something along these lines: 

“I invite you to reach out to several leaders in the business who have had exposure to you and ask each of them for 30-60 minutes of their time, explaining that you are eager to grow and that you'd appreciate their thoughts and feedback on how both you and your team could provide greater value to the business from their unique perspective.”

“Begin the meeting by thanking them for taking the time to support your growth and then share your goals and Why Statement that we created together at the start of our coaching journey. This will provide a powerful context for the conversations, deepen their connection with you, and provide insight into what drives you and what you want to achieve.”

She had concerns about doing this:

“Won’t that be an imposition?”   “But they’re so busy.”   "What if the say no?"   “Is that even appropriate?”   “I don’t know that person all that well.”   “What if their feedback is critical?”   “I’m not sure I have the time.”

Despite her concerns I assured her that the conversations would be beneficial for her growth and she took action, which resulted in HUGE BREAKTHROUGHS in her awareness, leadership growth, brand and career progression...

  • By seeking out feedback she was viewed as a leader with a growth mindset who wanted to fast-track her leadership growth, so the senior leaders who met with her were generous with their time, feedback and mentoring.
  • Not only did she experience a remarkable boost in confidence and certainty, she also noticed an increase in her exposure and personal brand in the business. 
  • Having shared her WHY Statement and goals, people were able to support her towards them.
  • The feedback provided clarity about how to accelerate her growth, and as she addressed the recommended key development areas people noticed shifts in her performance.
  • Over time her efforts were recognised and she was offered opportunities to act in roles and lead a cross-functional team.
  • The feedback discussions opened her eyes to a strategic view of the business, enabling her to make more informed decisions to drive results and contribute more confidently at meetings.

Ultimately, the process of seeking out feedback had elevated her self-awareness, confidence, brand, relationships, career clarity, leadership performance, energy and engagement - and reduced her confusion, lack of certainty, second-guessing, complacency, wasted energy and missed opportunities.

These results speak to the immense power of proactively seeking out feedback, and the profound impact it can have on one's professional growth and career trajectory.

Over time I developed this process into a self-directed 360-degree feedback program for leaders who want to take the reins of their development and accelerate their growth.

Taylan Skeels' feedback journey: “The feedback process has provided me with a lot of clarity and confidence in my abilities. The feedback I received clarified other’s expectations of my role and re-balanced my areas of focus.”

Tamara Scenna's feedback journey: "Reflection on my own strengths, career goals and areas of development was key to the program, resulting in more constructive discussions with both those in higher level management and those in my team. Unlike many courses where you attend and then put the booklet aside afterwards, this is one course where I can see myself continuing to implement my learnings far into the future."

Program Overview

Feedback is Gold is a group program delivered via a 1:1 Coaching Program, or within your business via three live virtual workshops and four video lessons.

This 3 month program will result in a highly relevant development plan and provide you with the knowledge, skills & confidence to own and drive your leadership development, and consistently seek out feedback for growth moving forward.

This powerful experience will also unlock invaluable intangible benefits, such as elevating your strategic perspective, cultivating a growth mindset, strengthening your personal brand, broadening your career opportunities and having powerful conversations that build key relationships within the business.

Practical & engaging content

Through immersive experiences and practical feedback gathering you'll gain the confidence and insights needed to propel your leadership and career to the next level.

Leadership Capabilities Assessment Tool

This tool is powerful for self-reflection and gathering feedback, along with providing detailed information about the expected levels of mastery at different stages of the leadership journey, and ways to further develop self and others for each capability.

Powerful feedback review conversations

Transparency is at the heart of this program. Unlike anonymous and secretive approaches, this process fosters an open and honest environment. By leading a transparent feedback process, you'll have the opportunity to circle back, continue conversations and witness your growth firsthand. Meaningful conversations throughout the program will build relationships and the brand of you and your team.

Racheal Willett's feedback journey: “My biggest feedback discovery was that I underestimated my capabilities across the board. In the areas that I believed I had a lot of improving to do, others felt I was doing well. This has provided me with greater certainty and confidence. I really enjoyed the program and got a lot of out of it.” 

Aligned & relevant development plan

Consider this: How can you create a plan that truly accelerates your growth unless you seek insights from diverse perspectives to uncover the key shifts needed to thrive?

You'll leave uncertainty and assumptions behind as you complete this program knowing your top strengths and opportunities to genuinely propel your leadership and career growth.

Cultivate a feedback culture

As a leader, one of the most impactful ways to build a feedback culture within your team is by leading by example. By demonstrating the power of feedback and showcasing how it's done, you set the tone for a positive and constructive environment where feedback is viewed as a valuable tool for growth and improvement.

Built-in Support

Managers of participants attend part of both the initial and final workshops, and also provide feedback within the program. Managers are kept abreast of the participant's journey to help them stay on track and maximise the insights and learnings.

Vince Stefano's feedback journey: “I discovered that others see me as having strong communication and influencing skills, more than I credit myself. I can now be more confident and back myself when in meetings with more senior people because I know I do have the capability. Rachael thanks again for what was a very enlightening program." 

Growth is the goal

When you actively seek out feedback to understand how to grow to provide greater leadership in the business and your team, you create a powerful framework for feedback discussions. This intentional approach allows you to receive targeted insights that align with your aspirations, amplifying your growth potential.

You'll engage in purposeful conversations where you'll share your newly crafted WHY Statement and goals for the future. By demonstrating your commitment to continuous improvement and professional development, you ignite a meaningful dialogue that builds awareness and opens doors.

Leadership capability uplift

The advantage of multiple leaders journeying through the program together is peer support/accountability and leadership capability and capacity uplift across the business.

Participants may use the leadership framework from their own business if suitable.

Steven Morrow's feedback journey: "I was pleasantly surprised to understand how my team views some of my key strengths. I feel more confident in acknowledging that I have some great skills in leadership and that these will help to build a good culture around the team." 

Thelma Kilikidis' feedback journey: “I’ve learned the importance of strategic planning that aligns branch and divisional objectives and how crucial recurring calendar meetings are to ensure that my direct reports feel informed and supported. I’ve also learned how to raise my profile in the organisation and communicate my intended career trajectory."


"Rachael works very hard to make the learning experience effective and relevant to our unique needs as a Department. Rachael’s passion for leadership and practical approach in building leadership capability, is what makes her a brilliant practitioner to work with. " 

Danielle Fancellu, Senior Organisational Development Consultant Leadership, Leadership and Talent Development, Department of Transport

Frequently asked questions

Feedback is Gold is suitable for any leader who has a manager and direct reports, as the principles are the same; ask key people in the business for their unique perspectives on how you can elevate your leadership, brand, impact and career potential.

The program is for any leader who has a manager, peers and at least one direct report.

Yes, click HERE to make a time to speak with Rachael.

Yes, you may use the tools provided in the program or use the one from your business if you prefer. Reach out if you have more questions about this.

Yes, we do offer varying discounts based on participant numbers and a flat 10% discount for NFP. Please complete the request for proposal/invoice page in the link above and outline your request. :)

Yes, if participants have fully participated and completed the program and are unhappy for any reason they will be eligible for a full refund within 30 days of program completion. 


We have taken every effort to accurately represent this program and its ability to support the development of leaders.

We will make every effort to provide quality information, facilitation and guidance to achieve these results, but ultimately participant participation determines results. I make no guarantees to you as to these results.

Terms and conditions.

Chris Anderson's feedback journey: "The feedback process has brought my focus back on what I can do to support my team to succeed.”

One manager of a participant in the program noted the following shifts: Improved attention to detail, improved record keeping, greater awareness of and alignment with processes, greater awareness of contractual tools at his disposal and more specific direction to junior team members, reducing frustrations, improving output and reducing turnaround time.

Rachael's past and present clients include...


Copyright MAD Leaders 


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